
Mini Review

Metal-carbon mesocomposites application possibilities as the medicine magnetic transport within an organism

VI Kodolov*, VV Kodolova-Chukhontseva, IN Shabanova and NS Terebova

Published: 11 December, 2020 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 143-145

The paper is dedicated to the consideration of the metal-carbon mesocomposites application possibilities for the medicine magnetic transport. This trend is determined by correspondent peculiarities of content and structure of mesoscopic composites. The main peculiarities of these nanosized particles are the following: a) the presence of unpaired electrons on the carbon shell; b) the structure of carbon shell from poly acetylene and carbine fragments; c) the atomic magnetic moment of inner metal is equaled to more than 1–3 μB. The creation of reactive mesoscopic materials with regulated magnetic characteristics which can find application as medicine magnetic transport within an organism is very topical. The present investigation has fundamental character. It’s based on the ideas concerning to the change of metal-carbon mesocomposites reactivity. The use is possible as metal-carbon mesocomposites both and they are modified analogously.

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