
Research Article

Investigating Thermal Conductivity of Ferrofluids

Sumeir Walia*

Published: 17 August, 2023 | Volume 6 - Issue 2 | Pages: 144-153

Heat transfer is one of the most important aspects of large-scale industries and machines, linking importantly to the efficiency associated with different mechanisms while also emphasizing the importance of sustainable, low-cost methods of heat transfer. One such method is the use of ferrofluids. Through this paper, it is clearly explained that the conductivity of ferrofluids has vast applications across industries and using its magnetic and thermal properties, it can be a cost-effective solution as well. Previously researched works in this field ferrofluids are also acknowledged and furthered as per experimental data.

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Nanofluids; Ferrofluids; Thermal conductivity; Heat transfer; Brownian motion


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