Mini Review
Published: 19 January, 2024 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 006-009
To reach such a consistent theory which contains the quantum field theory of particle physics and Einstein’s theory of gravitation as limiting cases, one may proceed in the following way: Standard quantum field theory just ignores the effects of gravity. This is justified in many cases due to the weakness of gravitational interactions at the presently accessible scales. In a first step beyond this approximation, one may consider an external gravitational field that is not influenced by the quantum fields. Here one may think of sources of gravitational fields that are not influenced by the quantum fields under consideration, as high-energy experiments in the gravitational field of the earth or quantum fields in the gravitational field of dark matter and dark energy. This approach amounts to the treatment of quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. The problem of quantization in curved spacetimes is now clearly visible. In Minkowski spacetime, there is a large group of symmetries that enforces a particular choice of vacuum by demanding the vacuum to be invariant. Such a criterion is absent for a general spacetime (M,g). We therefore do not know which state to choose as the vacuum. One might hope that the different prescriptions might be unitarily equivalent such that it doesn’t matter which state one takes to define the theory. Sadly this is not the case: The Stone-Von Neumann theorem is no longer valid for systems with an infinite amount of degrees of freedom. This means that unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations will arise, and it is not clear which equivalence concept representation is the physical one. In the second section of this chapter, we review the notions of Cauchy surfaces and global hyperbolicity.
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Space-time curved, Mikokshi space-time; Stone van Neumann theorem canonical transformation
Figure 1
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